Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/3 - 2. Accessibility by Example/09 - Writing the perfect content.mp441.38MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/3 - 2. Accessibility by Example/10 - Designing for memory issues.mp429.09MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/4 - 3. Tools and Techniques/11 - Overview of voice recognition software.mp430.21MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/4 - 3. Tools and Techniques/12 - Overview of screen magnifiers.mp419.96MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/4 - 3. Tools and Techniques/13 - Overview of screen readers.mp419.72MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/4 - 3. Tools and Techniques/14 - Overview of hardware assistive technology.mp410.34MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/5 - 4. Personas for People with Disabilities/15 - People are people.mp490.76MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/5 - 4. Personas for People with Disabilities/16 - Vision issues.mp499.27MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/5 - 4. Personas for People with Disabilities/17 - Hearing issues.mp429.91MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/5 - 4. Personas for People with Disabilities/18 - Mobility and dexterity issues.mp430.7MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/5 - 4. Personas for People with Disabilities/19 - Cognitive issues.mp443.95MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/5 - 4. Personas for People with Disabilities/20 - Aging into disability.mp427.42MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/6 - 5. Integrating Accessibility into Your UX Work and Process/21 - Accessibility in content strategy.mp470.95MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/6 - 5. Integrating Accessibility into Your UX Work and Process/22 - Accessibility and layout.mp432.68MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/6 - 5. Integrating Accessibility into Your UX Work and Process/23 - Accessibility and visual design.mp414.2MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/6 - 5. Integrating Accessibility into Your UX Work and Process/24 - Accessibility and interaction design.mp418MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/6 - 5. Integrating Accessibility into Your UX Work and Process/25 - Accessibility and user research.mp429.91MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Accessibility/7 - Conclusion/26 - More resources and next steps.mp417.22MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/1 - Introduction/02 - Using the exercise files.mp41.17MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/2 - 1. What Is Information Architecture/03 - What is information architecture.mp45.63MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/2 - 1. What Is Information Architecture/04 - Creating good information architecture.mp44.79MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/3 - 2. Research to Determine Information Architecture/05 - Why do information architecture research.mp47.85MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/3 - 2. Research to Determine Information Architecture/06 - Card sorting to determine information architecture.mp420.2MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/4 - 3. Creating and Running a Paper Card Sort/07 - Finding the information to use in a card sort.mp411.12MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/4 - 3. Creating and Running a Paper Card Sort/08 - Deciding what goes on the cards.mp410.42MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/4 - 3. Creating and Running a Paper Card Sort/09 - Making the cards.mp414.38MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/4 - 3. Creating and Running a Paper Card Sort/10 - Recruiting participants.mp45.46MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/4 - 3. Creating and Running a Paper Card Sort/11 - Running the session.mp429.52MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/4 - 3. Creating and Running a Paper Card Sort/12 - Recording participants' answers.mp43.1MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/5 - 4. Analyzing a Paper Card Sort/13 - Getting from cards to knowledge.mp415.26MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/5 - 4. Analyzing a Paper Card Sort/14 - Eyeball analysis of your data.mp49.81MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/6 - 5. Running and Analyzing a Computer-Based Card Sort/15 - Accessing remote users with online sorts.mp414.61MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/6 - 5. Running and Analyzing a Computer-Based Card Sort/16 - Setting up a card sort using OptimalSort.mp416MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/6 - 5. Running and Analyzing a Computer-Based Card Sort/17 - Running an online OptimalSort card sort.mp47.12MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/6 - 5. Running and Analyzing a Computer-Based Card Sort/18 - Reviewing what participants see.mp45.8MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/6 - 5. Running and Analyzing a Computer-Based Card Sort/19 - Checking your data.mp47.11MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/6 - 5. Running and Analyzing a Computer-Based Card Sort/20 - Using the built-in analysis tools.mp415.82MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/7 - 6. Creating an Information Architecture from Your Analysis/21 - Starting with an abstract structure.mp46.64MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/7 - 6. Creating an Information Architecture from Your Analysis/22 - Creating abstract information architecture.mp413.13MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/7 - 6. Creating an Information Architecture from Your Analysis/23 - Knowing the problems you might face.mp410.05MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/7 - 6. Creating an Information Architecture from Your Analysis/24 - Understanding that card sorting isn't a precise technique.mp47.18MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/8 - 7. Validating the Information Architecture with Reverse Sorting/25 - Making sure your hierarchical structure is correct.mp415.53MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/8 - 7. Validating the Information Architecture with Reverse Sorting/26 - Creating and running a paper-based reverse sort.mp418.67MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/8 - 7. Validating the Information Architecture with Reverse Sorting/27 - Analyzing a paper-based reverse sort.mp44.37MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/8 - 7. Validating the Information Architecture with Reverse Sorting/28 - Interpreting the results.mp47.73MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/9 - 8. Computer-Based Reverse Sorting/30 - Using Treejack for reverse sorting.mp411.27MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/9 - 8. Computer-Based Reverse Sorting/31 - Running an online reverse sort with Treejack.mp48.54MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/9 - 8. Computer-Based Reverse Sorting/32 - Reviewing what the participants see.mp44.41MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/9 - 8. Computer-Based Reverse Sorting/33 - Analyzing a Treejack reverse sort.mp46.66MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/10 - 9. From Information Architecture to Navigation Structure/34 - Getting to navigation.mp45.49MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/10 - 9. From Information Architecture to Navigation Structure/35 - Standard page elements.mp48.95MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/10 - 9. From Information Architecture to Navigation Structure/36 - Content-based navigation.mp410.87MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/10 - 9. From Information Architecture to Navigation Structure/37 - Going from information architecture to site layout.mp48.87MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/11 - 10. Testing That You've Got It Right/38 - There's no substitute for usability testing.mp48.81MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/11 - 10. Testing That You've Got It Right/39 - Watch your server logs after you go live.mp45.11MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/12 - Conclusion/40 - The right information architecture is crucial to your site.mp428.16MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Information Architecture/12 - Conclusion/41 - Next steps.mp47.49MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Interaction Design/3 - 2. A Model of Psychology and Interaction Design/07 - Why psychology.mp411.57MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Interaction Design/3 - 2. A Model of Psychology and Interaction Design/08 - Introducing the interaction design model.mp46.65MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Interaction Design/3 - 2. A Model of Psychology and Interaction Design/09 - Context.mp414.57MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Interaction Design/3 - 2. A Model of Psychology and Interaction Design/10 - Goals.mp413.51MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/1 - Introduction/02 - UX and logic - Where is the connection.mp431.54MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/1 - Introduction/03 - Logic problems in UX - Examples.mp411.26MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/2 - 1. Communication and Logic/04 - How we communicate.mp422.03MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/2 - 1. Communication and Logic/05 - Logical communication.mp46.19MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/2 - 1. Communication and Logic/06 - Human communication vs. computer logic.mp46.57MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/3 - 2. Principles of Communication and Logic/07 - Speaking logically.mp46.35MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/3 - 2. Principles of Communication and Logic/08 - Statements.mp45.83MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/3 - 2. Principles of Communication and Logic/09 - Universality.mp434.93MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/3 - 2. Principles of Communication and Logic/10 - Arguments.mp49.63MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/3 - 2. Principles of Communication and Logic/11 - Simple operators.mp48.94MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/3 - 2. Principles of Communication and Logic/12 - Complex operators.mp428.6MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/4 - 3. Computer Logic/13 - True and false - How computer logic works.mp45.67MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/4 - 3. Computer Logic/14 - Working with computer logic.mp429.65MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/4 - 3. Computer Logic/15 - Where computer logic excels.mp429.29MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/4 - 3. Computer Logic/16 - The limits of computer logic.mp442.66MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/5 - 4. Human Logic and Information/17 - How we process information.mp48.57MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/5 - 4. Human Logic and Information/18 - Organization.mp46.53MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/5 - 4. Human Logic and Information/19 - Causation.mp436.21MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/5 - 4. Human Logic and Information/20 - The limits of human logic.mp433.46MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/6 - 5. Making Logical User Experiences/21 - Formatting information for humans.mp410.14MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/6 - 5. Making Logical User Experiences/22 - The computer-human division.mp412.49MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/6 - 5. Making Logical User Experiences/23 - Intuitive vs. acquired behavior.mp411.27MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/6 - 5. Making Logical User Experiences/24 - Logic problems in UX - Solutions.mp420.95MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/6 - 5. Making Logical User Experiences/25 - Communicating with logic.mp47.94MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Logic and Content/7 - 6. Using Logic for Improved UX/26 - Next steps.mp45.66MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Making the Case for Usability Testing/1 - Introduction/1 - Welcome.mp410.81MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Making the Case for Usability Testing/2 - 1. Making the Case for Usability Testing/2 - What is usability testing.mp46.13MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Making the Case for Usability Testing/2 - 1. Making the Case for Usability Testing/3 - Why usability test.mp44.66MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Making the Case for Usability Testing/2 - 1. Making the Case for Usability Testing/4 - Running small, frequent studies.mp48.57MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Making the Case for Usability Testing/2 - 1. Making the Case for Usability Testing/5 - How usability testing works.mp43.14MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Making the Case for Usability Testing/2 - 1. Making the Case for Usability Testing/6 - Benefits of usability testing.mp45.71MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/2 - 1. Strategic Story Planning/06 - End the story right.mp417.97MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/2 - 1. Strategic Story Planning/07 - Be the guide, not the hero.mp434.69MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/2 - 1. Strategic Story Planning/08 - Clarify your message.mp430.68MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/3 - 2. Role of Empathy in Storytelling/09 - Embrace emotion to empathize with customers.mp436.05MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/3 - 2. Role of Empathy in Storytelling/10 - Authentic, relatable stories.mp438.14MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/3 - 2. Role of Empathy in Storytelling/11 - Brain science - Why we buy.mp429.7MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/4 - 3. Boosting Sales with a Consistent, Targeted Story/12 - Your signature story.mp435.78MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/4 - 3. Boosting Sales with a Consistent, Targeted Story/13 - Where to tell your story - Evaluating possible platforms.mp434.24MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/4 - 3. Boosting Sales with a Consistent, Targeted Story/14 - Perspective matters - The angle you choose.mp436.1MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/4 - 3. Boosting Sales with a Consistent, Targeted Story/15 - From storytelling to story selling - Monetizing your stories.mp426.66MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Storytelling/4 - 3. Boosting Sales with a Consistent, Targeted Story/16 - Visual storytelling - The power of pictures.mp437.13MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/1 - Introduction/01 - Setting the bar with style guides and design systems.mp420.96MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/2 - 1. What Are Style Guides and Design Systems/02 - Communicating user experience standards.mp416.91MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/2 - 1. What Are Style Guides and Design Systems/03 - More than just a couple of documents.mp413.38MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/2 - 1. What Are Style Guides and Design Systems/04 - The design system.mp416.58MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/2 - 1. What Are Style Guides and Design Systems/05 - The style guide.mp412.58MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/2 - 1. What Are Style Guides and Design Systems/06 - Where to start.mp413.06MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/3 - 2. Style Guide Basics/07 - Why have a style guide.mp410.84MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/3 - 2. Style Guide Basics/08 - Who in a company uses a style guide.mp411.37MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/3 - 2. Style Guide Basics/09 - What about small companies.mp418.64MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/4 - 3. What's in a Style Guide/10 - Brand and company philosophy.mp423.35MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/4 - 3. What's in a Style Guide/11 - Defining your audience.mp412.58MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/4 - 3. What's in a Style Guide/12 - Personality and tone of voice.mp423.2MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/4 - 3. What's in a Style Guide/13 - Visual elements.mp414.16MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/4 - 3. What's in a Style Guide/14 - Links to resources.mp412.88MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/5 - 4. Creating Your Style Guide/15 - Check out your existing resources.mp412.41MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/5 - 4. Creating Your Style Guide/16 - Get buy-in from relevant groups.mp418.06MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/5 - 4. Creating Your Style Guide/17 - Start writing.mp422.99MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/5 - 4. Creating Your Style Guide/18 - Promoting and enforcing the guide.mp424.07MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/6 - 5. Design System Basics/19 - Controlling interface chaos.mp416MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/6 - 5. Design System Basics/20 - What a design system looks like.mp421.25MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/6 - 5. Design System Basics/21 - Who is a design system for.mp411.21MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/7 - 6. Components of a Design System/22 - Design philosophy.mp412.51MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/7 - 6. Components of a Design System/23 - Index of components.mp416.91MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/7 - 6. Components of a Design System/24 - Submission and commenting system.mp416.76MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/7 - 6. Components of a Design System/25 - The underlying process.mp412.84MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/8 - 7. Creating Your Design System/26 - Justifying the need.mp421.22MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/8 - 7. Creating Your Design System/27 - Setting up a team to build your system.mp419.85MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/8 - 7. Creating Your Design System/28 - Deciding on a platform.mp422.8MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/8 - 7. Creating Your Design System/29 - Build, review, and release schedules.mp421.64MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/8 - 7. Creating Your Design System/30 - Populating the system.mp423.18MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/8 - 7. Creating Your Design System/31 - Socializing the idea.mp423.6MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/8 - 7. Creating Your Design System/32 - Politics of adoption.mp425.92MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Style Guides and Design Systems/9 - Conclusion/33 - Next steps.mp415.17MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Usability Testing/9 - 8. Observing a Session/33 - Video - Record or not record.mp423.02MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Usability Testing/10 - 9. Analyzing and Reporting Your Results/34 - Analyzing with your team.mp426.08MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Usability Testing/10 - 9. Analyzing and Reporting Your Results/35 - Creating a minimal report.mp415.33MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Usability Testing/10 - 9. Analyzing and Reporting Your Results/36 - Remember to retest.mp42.74MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Usability Testing/10 - 9. Analyzing and Reporting Your Results/37 - Capturing metrics on the impact of usability testing.mp414.42MB
Lynda - UX Foundations - Usability Testing/11 - Conclusion/38 - Usability testing - Any team can do it.mp411.59MB