3-Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/7. Terraform Plan and Apply/Terraform Plan and Apply.mp451.17MB
3-Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/8. Formatting and Validating Configuration Files/Formatting and Validating Configuration Files.mp429.56MB
3-Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/9. Destroying Infrastructure with Terraform/Destroying Infrastructure with Terraform.mp485.17MB
3-Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/10. Replacing Infrastructure with Terraform/Replacing Infrastructure with Terraform.mp436.15MB
3-Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/27. Provision Infrastructure with Cloud-Init/Provision Infrastructure with Cloud-Init.mp456.05MB
3-Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/28. Terraform Provisioners/Terraform Provisioners.mp443.34MB
3-Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/29. Terraform Troubleshooting and Logging/Terraform Troubleshooting and Logging.mp4127.36MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/1. Terraform Simple Types - Number, String, Bool/Terraform Simple Types - Number, String, Bool.mp454.99MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/2. Terraform Collection Types - List and Map/Terraform Collection Types - List and Map.mp477.48MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/3. Terraform Structural Types - Tuple and Object/Terraform Structural Types - Tuple and Object.mp442.46MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/4. The Count Meta-Argument/The Count Meta-Argument.mp460.1MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/5. Creating IAM Users Using Count/Creating IAM Users Using Count.mp444.69MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/6. The for_each Meta-Argument/The for_each Meta-Argument.mp424.6MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/7. Using Dynamic Blocks/Using Dynamic Blocks.mp463.68MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/8. Conditional Expressions/Conditional Expressions.mp453.67MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/9. Terraform Locals/Terraform Locals.mp434.8MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/10. Intro to Terraform Built-In Functions/Intro to Terraform Built-In Functions.mp421.67MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/11. Using Terraform Built-In Functions/Using Terraform Built-In Functions.mp465.05MB
5-HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/12. Using Splat Expressions in Terraform/Using Splat Expressions in Terraform.mp425.19MB
7-Terraform Remote State/1. Backends and Remote State Management/Backends and Remote State Management.mp425.97MB
7-Terraform Remote State/2. Terraform Remote State on Amazon S3/Terraform Remote State on Amazon S3.mp455.84MB
7-Terraform Remote State/3. Implementing State Locking with DynamoDB/Implementing State Locking with DynamoDB.mp449.91MB
7-Terraform Remote State/4. Terraform Remote State on Terraform Cloud/Terraform Remote State on Terraform Cloud.mp445.18MB
9-Terraform Modules/1. Intro to Terraform Modules/Intro to Terraform Modules.mp412.01MB
9-Terraform Modules/2. Creating Your First Module/Creating Your First Module.mp4121.24MB