PDF Pack Release 5
2013-2-10 08:14
2025-3-27 15:16
190.99 MB
- Viruses Revealed Understanding and Counter Malicious Software.pdf49.94MB
- Techniques virales avanc%2b%aees.pdf18.2MB
- The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense.pdf9.89MB
- The Dangers of Computer Viruses Implications for 21st Century Educators.pdf9.02MB
- The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses.pdf5.73MB
- Virus Tutorial.pdf2.74MB
- The worm that turned A social use of computer viruses.pdf2.71MB
- The Internet Worm Program An Analysis.pdf2.34MB
- Using Plant Epidemiological Methods To Track Computer Network Worms.pdf2.34MB
- Virus als Metapher.pdf2.25MB
- Using the KBTA method for inferring computer and network security alerts from time-stamped, raw system metrics.pdf1.84MB
- The Use of Heuristics in Identifying Self-Propagating Malicious Mobile Code.pdf1.82MB
- Trojan White Paper.pdf1.8MB
- The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses (2nd ed.).pdf1.73MB
- The Rise of AutoRunBased Malware.pdf1.67MB
- Technological Turf Wars A Case Study of the Computer Antivirus Industry.pdf1.67MB
- The Pathology of Computer Viruses.pdf1.43MB
- The Shockwave Rider.pdf1.41MB
- The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses.pdf1.39MB
- Technologically Enabled Crime Shifting Paradigms for the Year 2000.pdf1.38MB
- Testing Time for Antivirus Software.pdf1.37MB
- Trojans Worms and Spyware A Computer Security Professional's Guide to Malicious Code.pdf1.31MB
- Viruses and Worms--What Can You Do.pdf1.2MB
- The Role of Internet Service Providers in Botnet Mitigation An Empirical Analysis Based on Spam Data.pdf1.17MB
- With Microscope and Tweezers The Worm from MITS Perspective.pdf1.17MB
- Unknown Malcode Detection and the Imbalance Problem.pdf1.16MB
- The Internet Worm Crisis and Aftermath.pdf1.13MB
- The Art of File Format Fuzzing.pdf1.12MB
- Using Virtualisation to Protect Against Zero-Day Attacks.pdf1.11MB
- Viruses, Worms, Zombies, and other Beasties.pdf1.09MB
- Towards an undetectable computer virus.pdf1.07MB
- The Emergence of the Posthuman Consumer and the Fusion of the Virtual and the Real.pdf1.03MB
- The Worm Programs--Early Experience with a Distributed Intelligence.pdf924.65KB
- The Worm Programs - Early Experience with a Distributed Computation.pdf869.9KB
- Towards Stealthy Malware Detection.pdf861.43KB
- The Blaster Worm - The View from 10,000 feet.pdf830.12KB
- Threat Intelligence Gathering, Malware Collection and Incident Response Proposal Discover, Investigate and Report.pdf810.4KB
- The geneology of malware.pdf785.09KB
- Understanding Computer Viruses.pdf779.29KB
- Viruses and Criminal Law.pdf729.26KB
- Testing the SETIHacker Hypothesis.pdf672.76KB
- Viral Attacks On UNIX System Security.pdf669.44KB
- The SASSER Event History and Implications.pdf653.17KB
- The Internet Motion Sensor A Distributed Blackhole Monitoring System.pdf645.69KB
- USC-OIA Special Virus Report.pdf642.54KB
- Viral Bodies, Virtual Practices.pdf632.1KB
- VT Integrity Services for Networking.pdf607.76KB
- The impact of Microsoft Windows infection vectors on IP network traffic patterns.pdf593.46KB
- The Application of Epidemiology to Computer Viruses.pdf588.64KB
- The Impact of Countermeasure Propagation on the Prevalence of Computer Viruses.pdf580.73KB
- Virus Detection System - VDS.pdf574.96KB
- Using Predators to Combat Worms and Viruses A Simulation-Based Study.pdf572.08KB
- System Dynamic Model for Computer Virus Prevalance.pdf569.74KB
- The Father Christmas worm.pdf569.66KB
- Virus ex machina res ipsa loquitur.pdf567.69KB
- Virus Prevention Without Signatures.pdf531.07KB
- Visualizing Windows Executable Viruses Using Self-Organizing Maps.pdf531.02KB
- TIBS.pdf515.5KB
- Using Spatio-Temporal Information in API Calls with Machine Learning Algorithms for Malware Detection.pdf513.47KB
- The Latest Malware Threats Against Your PC.pdf510.97KB
- When Malware Meets Rootkits.pdf493.31KB
- Utilizing Entropy to Identify Undetected Malware.pdf490.76KB
- Taxonomy and Effectiveness of Worm Defense Strategies.pdf487.91KB
- Using Entropy Analysis to Find Encrypted and Packed Malware.pdf466.75KB
- VirusMeter Preventing Your Cellphone from Spies.pdf462.54KB
- The Costly Implications of Consulting in a Virus-Infected Computer Environment.pdf457.72KB
- Worm wars.pdf446.91KB
- Virus Spread in Networks.pdf436.18KB
- Unknown Computer Virus Detection Inspired by Immunity.pdf429.56KB
- The WiT virus A virus built on the ViT ELF virus.pdf419.16KB
- Tools for Finding and Removing Rootkits.pdf418.41KB
- Viruses and Worms The Inside Story.pdf414.08KB
- The Cornell Commission On Morris and the Worm.pdf403.63KB
- Virus Techniques.pdf401.83KB
- Zeroing in on Metamorphic Computer Viruses.pdf401.56KB
- The Norman Book on Computer Viruses.pdf387.98KB
- Using Formal Grammar and Genetic Operators to Evolve Malware.pdf387.95KB
- Worm Hotspots Explaining Non-Uniformity in Worm Targeting Behavior.pdf382.81KB
- polyunpack.pdf372.04KB
- Worm Detection Using Local Networks.pdf371.5KB
- TTAnalyze A Tool for Analyzing Malware.pdf370.93KB
- Taking the redpill Artificial Evolution in native x86 systems.pdf370.31KB
- Virus Writers 360.pdf368.61KB
- Using Support Vector Machine to Detect Unknown Computer Viruses.pdf358.7KB
- Virology_101(Usenix).pdf358.64KB
- Worm Epidemiology.pdf351.99KB
- Viruses Bottleneck Prosecution.pdf348.96KB
- Virus Scanners for Multiple OSes.pdf348.03KB
- Testing Malware Detectors.pdf339.02KB
- The Impact of Computer Viruses on Society.pdf332.99KB
- Two Bills Equal Forewarning.pdf322.58KB
- The Virtual Artaud Computer Virus as Performance Art.pdf320.82KB
- Use of an Attenuated Computer Virus as a Mechanism for Teaching Epidemiology.pdf319.61KB
- Worm Analysis through Computer Simulation.pdf317.61KB
- Towards Systematic Evaluation of the Evadability of Bot,Botnet Detection Methods.pdf314.35KB
- Viruses and Worms.pdf311.35KB
- White-box attack context cryptovirology.pdf300.99KB
- Worm Meets Beehive.pdf298KB
- Virus detection using datamining techniques.pdf296.77KB
- Treating scalability and modelling human countermeasures against local preference worms via gradient models.pdf290KB
- Turing Machines and Undecidability with Special Focus on Computer Viruses.pdf283.88KB
- Virii Generators Understanding the Threat.pdf281.81KB
- Taiwan's first ever political computer virus.pdf281.32KB
- Viruses and Worms The Best Defense is Awareness.pdf277.22KB
- Worm Anatomy and Model.pdf267.17KB
- The Basic Building Blocks of Malware.pdf266.83KB
- Using Engine Signature to Detect Metamorphic Malware.pdf266.04KB
- User-mode memory scanning on 32-bit & 64-bit windows.pdf262.13KB
- Ukrainian-Russian Hackers the Stealth Group and Its Leader, LovinGOD.pdf256.45KB
- Worm Propagation Modeling and Analysis under Dynamic Quarantine Defense.pdf253.36KB
- Testing and evaluating virus detectors for handheld devices.pdf226.69KB
- Virus Inoculation on Social Graphs The Friendship Factor.pdf217.37KB
- Taking a Lesson from Stealthy Rootkits.pdf216.71KB
- The Legislative Response to the Evolution of Computer Viruses.pdf215.46KB
- The Bulgarian and Soviet Virus Factories.pdf212.92KB
- The Zombie Roundup Understanding, Detecting, and Disrupting Botnets.pdf212KB
- The Computer Virus -- From There to Here.pdf210.83KB
- The Danger Theory and Its Application to Artificial Immune Systems.pdf210.45KB
- SweetBait Zero-Hour Worm Detection and Containment Using Honeypots.pdf209.95KB
- There Are No Safe Virus Tests.pdf208.72KB
- The dynamics of computer virus infection.pdf204.65KB
- Viruses and Lotus Notes- Have the Virus Writers Finally Met Their Match.pdf204.37KB
- Using biological models to improve innovation systems.pdf201.36KB
- Unpredictable Legacies Viral Games in the Networked World.pdf200.22KB
- Young Nussbaum Monin PSPB 2007.pdf194.16KB
- With Microscope and Tweezers An Analysis of the Internet Virus of November 1988.pdf193.05KB
- Worms of the future.pdf192.25KB
- The Future of Internet Worms.pdf190.02KB
- Toward an abstract computer virology.pdf188.83KB
- Viruses and Computer Security.pdf184.78KB
- The Risk of Debug Codes in Batch what are debug codes and why they are dangerous.pdf184.46KB
- There Is No Ideal Virus Scanner.pdf183.24KB
- The Effect of DNS Delays on Worm Propagation in an IPv6 Internet.pdf174.69KB
- The Case for Using Layered Defenses to Stop Worms.pdf173.95KB
- Unknown Malcode Detection via Text Categorization and the Imbalance Problem.pdf170.8KB
- Trends in Viruses and Worms.pdf164.71KB
- Towards Automated Defense from Rootkit Attacks.pdf164.41KB
- System and method for detecting malicious executable code.pdf162.91KB
- Unknown Malicious Code Detection # Practical Issues.pdf161.69KB
- Viral polymorphism.pdf161.33KB
- Using Malware to Improve Software Quality and Security.pdf159.8KB
- The Engine of the Underground The Elite-Kiddie Divide.pdf159.32KB
- Viruses & spam fuel new laws.pdf155.7KB
- creation dun Web Worm.pdf155.02KB
- Viruses and the Law.pdf154.92KB
- The Code of Life A look at emerging Artificial Life.pdf154.33KB
- The Ecology of Malware.pdf149.9KB
- The Code Red Worm.pdf148.33KB
- The Social Psychology of Computer Viruses and Worms.pdf148.02KB
- Virus Verification and Removal Tools and Techniques.pdf147.49KB
- Windows Rootkits.pdf146.43KB
- Worm Epidemics in High-Speed Networks.pdf144.64KB
- Worm Defense System for Enterprise Networks.pdf143.46KB
- Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses Serious Crimes, Nuisance, or Both.pdf142.45KB
- Virus authors faster to the kill.pdf142.02KB
- Using Qualia and Hierarchical Models in Malware Detection.pdf140.61KB
- Winning the battles, losing the war Rethinking methodology for forensic computing research.pdf138.81KB
- TheV-Files A dictionary of file threats.pdf134.98KB
- The solution in the naming chaos.pdf134.65KB
- The Evolution of Viruses and Worms.pdf132.59KB
- When Computer Viruses Strike.pdf130.02KB
- Why Anti-Virus Software Cannot Stop the Spread of Email Worms.pdf128.95KB
- Viral Evolution.pdf128.18KB
- The Java mobile risk.pdf127.44KB
- The Impact of Countermeasure Spreading on the Prevalence of Computer Viruses.pdf124.22KB
- Throttling Viruses Restricting propagation to defeat malicious mobile code.pdf121.92KB
- Viruses in France The French Connection - II.pdf121.08KB
- Using Code Normalization for Fighting Self-Mutating Malware.pdf120.62KB
- The Virus is Worse than the Cure.pdf119.81KB
- Zmist Opportunities.pdf119.27KB
- TAU cure for computer viruses.pdf118.53KB
- The Asexual Virus Computer Viruses in Feminist Discourse.pdf116.75KB
- Viruses Are Beginning to Get to Me!.pdf115.78KB
- Virus Prevention, Cure and Hoaxes.pdf114.37KB
- VX Reversing I, the basics.pdf113.19KB
- The future of virus detection.pdf112.85KB
- The Virus Hunter.pdf110.9KB
- Virus Writers The End of The Innocence.pdf109.07KB
- The ABC of computer security.pdf104.6KB
- The Design Space of Metamorphic Malware.pdf102.26KB
- The Internet Worm Incident.pdf100.44KB
- Thoughts about Cross-View based Rootkit Detection.pdf98.83KB
- Virus attack - how computer networks could heal themselves.pdf97.39KB
- The motivation behind computer viruses.pdf97.14KB
- Using Markov Chains to Filter Machine-morphed Variants of Malicious Programs.pdf96.34KB
- Windows Rootkit Overview.pdf94.56KB
- Understanding and Managing Polymorphic Viruses.pdf94KB
- Warnings of a Dark Future The Emergence of Machine Intelligence.pdf92.88KB
- Viruses That Intricate Yarn.pdf92.68KB
- Viruses 101.pdf92.17KB
- VX Reversing II, Sasser.B.pdf91.82KB
- Where have the worms and viruses gone - new trends in malware.pdf91.48KB
- The Virus Underground.pdf90.09KB
- Threats to Digitization Computer Virus.pdf89.04KB
- The metamorphosis of malware writers.pdf83.29KB
- What is Wild.pdf83.18KB
- Using Verification Technology to Specify and Detect Malware.pdf80.85KB
- The Future of Malware.pdf80.53KB
- Virus Protection.pdf79.57KB
- Viruses Are Not Speech.pdf79.39KB
- Trends of Spyware, Viruses and Exploits.pdf77.54KB
- The Computer Virus Culture.pdf77.02KB
- The More Things Change....pdf72.67KB
- Vx-trading.pdf70.68KB
- Trap E-mail Address for Combating E-mail Viruses.pdf70.31KB
- Zero-hour, Real-time Computer Virus Defense through Collaborative Filtering.pdf69.77KB
- Trapping Viruses.pdf68.46KB
- Tumours and polips.pdf67.31KB
- Vulnerabilities as monsters the cultural foundations of computer security (extended abstract).pdf66.54KB
- Understanding Virus Behavior in 32-bit Operating Environments.pdf64.98KB
- The wormpipe strikes back.pdf64.44KB
- Virentechniken Analyse und Metamorphismus.pdf64.07KB
- The Real Cost of a Virus Outbreak.pdf62.44KB
- The Evolution of the Computer Virus.pdf61.74KB
- The Future of Bot Worms.pdf60.86KB
- Timing Rootkits.pdf60.31KB
- Twinkle, twinkle little star.pdf59.55KB
- To catch Efish.pdf59.55KB
- The malware naming chaos.pdf59.14KB
- Viruses a concern for all of us.pdf58.74KB
- What's in a Name.pdf58.67KB
- The Race Against Malicious Software.pdf49.72KB
- The missing LNK.pdf47.46KB
- The Evolving Virus Threat.pdf45.89KB
- Those ubiquitous viruses.pdf43.12KB
- The Case for Beneficial Computer Viruses and Worms.pdf42.53KB
- The Challenge of Being Prepared for Tomorrows MalWare Today.pdf41.95KB
- The biology of digital organisms.pdf41.94KB
- Un combate con el Kerado.pdf40.69KB
- You've got M()a(D)i(L+K)l.pdf40.67KB
- Viruses using .NET Framework.pdf40.3KB
- Taming Lakatos' Monster - Computer Virus Epidemics and Internet Security Policy.pdf39.22KB
- Unexpected Resutls [sic].pdf38.93KB
- The road less truvelled.pdf38.75KB
- VIRUS, Very Important Resource Under Siege.pdf38.19KB
- When Java Was One Threats From Hostile Byte Code.pdf38.16KB
- Viral Style Technology, Culture, and the Politics of Infection.pdf35.62KB
- Time machine.pdf31.63KB
- The cause and effects of computer viruses.pdf30.68KB
- Writing disassembler.pdf27.01KB
- What's the difference between a Virus, Worm, and Trojan horse.pdf21.5KB
- The Brains Behind the Operation.pdf21.27KB
- Virology 101.pdf20.74KB
- The Bulgarian Computer Virus Factory.pdf9.55KB
- Virus Trends 2003-2004.pdf9.34KB
- Web Sites Hawk Instructions On Making Computer Viruses.pdf8.49KB
- Universal Procedures to Protect Against Computer Viruses.pdf6.17KB
- The Bite of the Computer Virus.pdf3.82KB
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