19 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.0.1/1 - Important house keeping message.mp42.34MB
19 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.0.1/2 - Introduction.mp44.23MB
19 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.0.1/3 - Adding HATEOAS Support to Our Project.mp421.25MB
19 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.0.1/4 - Adding Links to the AddressRest Model.mp486MB
19 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.0.1/5 - Using the methodOn().mp437.85MB
19 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.0.1/6 - Adding Links to a Get Addresses API Call.mp423.58MB
19 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.0.1/7 - Applying HAL Format.mp473.41MB
2 - Download, Install and run MySQL Database on Local Computer/1 - Downloading and Installing MySQL on MAC.mp433.13MB
2 - Download, Install and run MySQL Database on Local Computer/2 - Start MySQL Server and Login.mp421.97MB
2 - Download, Install and run MySQL Database on Local Computer/3 - Creating MySQL Database and a new User.mp425.96MB
2 - Download, Install and run MySQL Database on Local Computer/4 - Downloading and Installing MySQL Workbench.mp418.14MB
2 - Download, Install and run MySQL Database on Local Computer/5 - Connect to MySQL Database using MySQL WorkBench.mp413.67MB
2 - Download, Install and run MySQL Database on Local Computer/6 - MySQL WorkBench brief overview.mp49.25MB
20 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.3.0.RELEASE/1 - Introduction.mp44.46MB
20 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.3.0.RELEASE/2 - Adding HATEOAS support to our project.mp47.94MB
20 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.3.0.RELEASE/3 - Adding Links. Representation Model.mp466.64MB
20 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.3.0.RELEASE/4 - Adding Links. Entity Model.mp413.12MB
20 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.3.0.RELEASE/5 - Building links with methodOn().mp423.53MB
20 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.3.0.RELEASE/6 - Returning a collection of resources with CollectionModel.mp432.01MB
20 - HATEOAS. Spring Boot v. 2.3.0.RELEASE/7 - Adding links to embedded list of addresses.mp423.56MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/10 - The verifyEmailToken() RestController Method.mp442.71MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/11 - The verifyEmailToken() Service Layer Function.mp429.05MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/12 - The findUserByEmailVerificationToken() Data Layer Function.mp44.77MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/13 - Checking if Email Verification Token Has Expired.mp431.74MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/14 - Generate and Save the Email Verification Token.mp420.42MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/15 - Prevent Users with Unverified Email Address to Login.mp420.1MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/16 - Trying How it works.mp426.75MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/17 - Create a new Web Project.mp46.17MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/18 - Download Apache Tomcat and Add to Spring STS.mp423.54MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/19 - Creating Email Verification Service Web Page.mp427.17MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/2 - Introduction.mp418.14MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/20 - Reading JavaScript URL Request Parameters.mp47.48MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/21 - The verifyToken() AJAX HTTP Get Request.mp429.82MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/22 - Deploying REST API and Email Verification Service to a Local Tomcat.mp487.81MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/23 - Trying Email Verification Feature on Local Server.mp469.95MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/24 - Adding Code to Send Email.mp4129.34MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/25 - Deploying Email Verification to a Remote Amazon EC2 Linux Server.mp453.02MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/26 - Trying Email Verification on Remote Server.mp431.84MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/3 - Verify Email Address with Amazon SES.mp49.35MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/4 - Moving Out of AWS SES Sandbox.mp417.82MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/5 - Submit Support Ticket to Increate Sending Limits.mp44.32MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/6 - Create AWS IAM Access Credentials.mp418.32MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/7 - Creating Shared Credentials File.mp4835.75KB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/8 - Add AWS Java SDK SES Maven Dependency.mp48.38MB
21 - Implement Email Verification Feature with AWS SES (Simple Email Service)/9 - Spring Security. Make Email Verification a Public Web Service Endpoint.mp48.67MB