2008-4-23 05:23
2025-1-6 06:18
7.78 GB
- A school algebra (1887 [c1882]).rar29.22MB
- The elements of algebra (1892).rar43.42MB
- New elementary algebra containing the rudiments of science for schools and academies (1866, c1859).rar40.06MB
- Junior algebra for schools [microform] containing a full treatment of graphs with answers (1908).rar29.01MB
- The teacher's hand-book of algebra; containing methods, solutions and exercises illustrating the latest and best treatment of the elements of algebra ([c1880]).rar25.45MB
- Ray's algebra, part first on the analytic and inductive methods of instruction with numerous practical exercises designed for common schools and academics ([c1848]).rar25.63MB
- High school algebra (1915).rar29.46MB
- The high school algebra part I (1886).rar20.35MB
- Key to Robinson's new university algebra (1867).rar23.04MB
- The elements of algebra; designed for the use of schools. From the 13th London ed ([1862]).rar16.54MB
- The elements of algebra.. part I (1861).rar17.4MB
- Higher algebra ([c1913]).rar20.68MB
- Key to Elements of algebra... (1866).rar13.42MB
- Key to Robinson's university algebra; containing, also, a short treatise on the indeterminate and diophantine analysis (1858 [c1847]).rar10.03MB
- Elements of algebra. Translated from the French, with the notes of Bernoulli and the additions of De La Grange. 3d ed.rar59.7MB
- Elements of algebra, on the basis of M. Bourdon embracing Sturm's and Horner's theorems, and practical examples (1868).rar50.24MB
- An algebra designed for the use of high schools, academies, and colleges (c1857).rar45.63MB
- An elementary treatise on algebra, theoretical and practical .. (1851 [c1847]).rar39.36MB
- An introduction to the elements of algebra, designed for the use of those who are acquainted only with the first principles of arithmetic. Selected from the algebra of Euler (1818).rar29.27MB
- Elementary algebra (188-).rar28.1MB
- Elementary algebra (1877).rar27.45MB
- Elements of algebra a course for grammar schools and beginners in public and private schools (c1894).rar23MB
- Elements of algebra... (1864).rar20.74MB
- Gradations in algebra, in which the first principles of analysis are inductively explained (1851).rar17.99MB
- Elementary algebra first[-second] year course (1915-16).rar16.94MB
- Gradations in algebra in which the first principles of analysis are inductively explained. Illustrated by copious exercises, and made suitable for primary schools (1839).rar12.79MB
- An elementary treatise on graphs (1904).rar17.84MB
- An easy algebra for beginners being a simple, plain presentation of the essentials of elementary algebra.rar13.15MB
- Computation and mensuration (1907).rar8.51MB
- College requirements in algebra. A final review (1892).rar7MB
- Algebra for schools and colleges (1887 [c1884]).rar69.25MB
- Algebra an elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges (1904-1906).rar52.56MB
- Algebra; an elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges (Volume 2) (1904-1906).rar51.47MB
- Algebra for the use of colleges and schools (1889).rar49.92MB
- Algebra for schools and colleges (1881).rar45.31MB
- A theoretical and practical treatise on algebra ... designed for schools, colleges, and private students (1858, c1857).rar46.92MB
- A treatise of algebra wherein the principles are demonstrated ... To which is added, the geometrical construction of a great number of linear and plane problems .. (1809).rar60.04MB
- A text book of algebra (1887).rar51.93MB
- Algebra; an elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges (Volume 2) (1889).rar39.4MB
- A treatise on algebra, containing the latest improvements. Adapted to the use of schools and colleges (1846).rar52.54MB
- A Treatise of algebra wherein the principles are demonstrated and applied in many useful and interesting enquiries.rar51.12MB
- A university algebra ... (1882, c1873).rar44.35MB
- A university algebra.rar43.65MB
- Algebra part II (1882).rar27.81MB
- A treatise on algebra (1887).rar41.26MB
- A school algebra complete (c1897).rar41.1MB
- A theoretical and practical treatise on algebra.rar32.59MB
- A drill-book in algebra (1896 [c1892]).rar32.09MB
- A complete course in algebra for academies and high schools ([c1885]).rar33.6MB
- Misc.rar46.53MB
- Elements of algebra (1876).rar38.3MB
- A treatise on algebra, containing the most useful parts of that science, illustrated by a copious collection of examples designed for the use of schools and colleges (1852).rar19.55MB
- The complete algebra.rar50.16MB
- A graphic method for solving certain algebraic problems (1875).rar6.66MB
- Standard algebra (c1908).rar42.53MB
- New school algebra (1898).rar35.34MB
- Numbers symbolized an elementary algebra (1889).rar33.21MB
- School algebra ([c1890]).rar32.1MB
- Milne's second course in algebra ([c1915]).rar36.28MB
- The common school algebra (1867).rar29.11MB
- Second course in algebra ([c1911]).rar24.95MB
- High school algebra elementary course (1907).rar23.3MB
- The elements of algebra (1880).rar17.9MB
- Numbers universalized an advanced algebra (1889-90).rar16.88MB
- Treatise on algebra, for the use of schools and colleges (1855).rar13.29MB
- Graphic algebra, or, Geometrical interpretation of the theory of equations of one unknown quantity (1887 [1882]).rar14.21MB
- Miscellaneous examples in algebra with equationpapers (1868).rar12.66MB
- First year in algebra (c1905).rar16.4MB
- Supplementary algebra (1905).rar5.62MB
- Graphic algebra (1908).rar7.96MB
- Elementary algebra for the use of schools and colleges (1900).rar52.6MB
- A treatise on algebra (1913).rar54.54MB
- Essentials of algebra complete course (an adequate preparation for the college or technical school) for secondary schools (c1905).rar48.07MB
- First principles of algebra complete course (1912).rar47.56MB
- Elementary algebra (C. Scribner's Sons).rar48.15MB
- A college algebra ([c1904]).rar51.08MB
- Advanced algebra (1906).rar47.99MB
- Advanced algebra for colleges and schools (c1902).rar45.36MB
- Elements of algebra (1895, c1881).rar43.03MB
- Academic algebra (1901).rar44.64MB
- Elementary algebra (c1904).rar40.81MB
- Essentials of algebra for secondary schools (c1897).rar36.39MB
- Elements of algebra (1900).rar36.32MB
- A higher algebra (1891).rar39.34MB
- A short course in higher algebra for academies, high schools, and colleges ([c1889]).rar35.73MB
- Elements of algebra (1881).rar31.25MB
- College algebra (1908).rar32.5MB
- Elementary algebra, first course ([c1911]).rar31.08MB
- Advanced algebra (c1905).rar27.98MB
- An elementary treatise on algebra, for the use of students in high schools and colleges ([c1841]).rar27.06MB
- A school algebra (1897, c1890).rar27.11MB
- A college algebra ([c1889, 1895]).rar28.68MB
- A first course in higher algebra (1917).rar22.09MB
- College algebra (c1890).rar27.86MB
- A short introduction to graphical algebra (1907).rar9.74MB
- Standard algebra ([c1914]).rar44.36MB
- A complete course in algebra for academies and high schools ([c1885])2.rar29.9MB
- Pelicotetics; or, The science of quantity, an elementary treatise on algebra and its groundwork,.rar53.94MB
- The complete algebra. For high schools, preparatory schools, and academics ([c1881]).rar51.66MB
- The philosophy of arithmetic(considered as a branch of mathematical science) and the elements of algebra (1812).rar44.48MB
- New grammar school arithmetic (1903).rar44.38MB
- University algebra (c1880).rar36.42MB
- New practical algebra; adapted to the improved methods of instruction in schools, academies, and colleges; with an appendix (1880).rar32.28MB
- Self-examinations in algebra (1825).rar27.51MB
- Second course in algebra ([c1918]).rar25.44MB
- Second course in algebra ([c1913]).rar25.95MB
- The young algebraist's companion.rar22.58MB
- Shorter course in algebra (1886).rar19.6MB
- Key to New practical algebra, for teachers (1881 [c1877]).rar20.9MB
- Intermediate algebra ([c1916]).rar24.84MB
- Key to Davies' Bourdon with many additional examples.rar16.07MB
- Advanced course in algebra (1904).rar54.54MB
- Elementary treatise on algebra, theoretical and practical .. (1839).rar40.39MB
- Elementary algebra (c1915).rar39.1MB
- Elements of algebra for colleges, schools, and private students (1866).rar38.53MB
- First course in algebra (c1917).rar37.26MB
- A treatise on algebra (1892).rar39.72MB
- Elementary algebra ([c1917]).rar35.63MB
- First year algebra (c1912).rar31.1MB
- Elementary algebra ([c1916]).rar31.97MB
- A practical treatise on algebra, designed for the use of students in high schools and academies (1854).rar34.43MB
- First year Algebra ([c1911]).rar29.05MB
- Algebra adapted to the course of instruction usually pursued in the colleges and academies of the United States (1865).rar29.01MB
- Beginners' algebra ([c1922]).rar27.01MB
- Bradbury's elementary algebra ([1881 c1877]).rar25.86MB
- Examples in algebra a collection of exercises to accompany any textbook (1914).rar24.49MB
- An elementary treatise on algebra. Designed as first lessons in that science (1856 [c1850]).rar22.89MB
- A course in algebra. Being course one in mathematics in the University of Wisconsin (1888).rar23.8MB
- Grammar school algebra ([c1904]).rar13.67MB
- Brief course in algebra (c1915).rar12.5MB
- An essay on algebraic development.rar12.9MB
- Elementary algebra for the use of preparatory schools (1895).rar5.46MB
- The teaching of algebra (including trigonometry) (1914).rar55.6MB
- Algebra for beginners; with numerous examples (1880).rar28.85MB
- A short introduction to graphical algebra (1903).rar6.3MB
- The elements of algebra. Designed for the use of students in the university (1830).rar34.2MB
- Second course in algebra (1920).rar34.94MB
- Introduction to algebra for the use of secondary school and technical colleges (1905).rar38.49MB
- Durell's introductory algebra (1912).rar33.74MB
- Algebra, with Arithmetic and mensuration, from the Sanscrit of Brahmegupta and Bháscara. Translated by Henry Thomas Colebrooke (1817).rar40.91MB
- Advanced algebra ([c1913]).rar34.02MB
- The algebra of Mohammed ben Musa. Edited and translated by Frederic Rosen (1831).rar34.52MB
- Practical algebra, first year course ([c1910]).rar29.22MB
- Elements of algebra including Sturms' theorem.rar29.42MB
- Elements of algebra (1893).rar30.73MB
- Algebra, first course (1913).rar27.97MB
- College algebra ([c1913]).rar28.45MB
- Practical curve tracing with chapters on differentiation and integration (1910).rar13.83MB
- Key to the teacher's handbook of algebra (1880).rar15.41MB
- Synopsis of linear associative algebra. A report on its natural development and results reached up to the present time (1907).rar15.2MB
- Linear algebras (1914).rar10.91MB
- Graphic algebra; or, Geometrical interpretation of the theory of equations of one unknown quantity.rar11.62MB
- The laws of algebra, an elementary course in algebraic theory (1915).rar7.1MB
- Graphs and imaginaries an easy method of finding graphically imaginary roots of quadratic equations.rar4.94MB
- A treatise on algebra (1900).rar46.1MB
- An elementary treatise on graphs (1904)2.rar16.32MB
- Answers to Wentworth's algebra (188-]).rar6.83MB
- The teacher's hand-book of algebra; containing methods, solutions and exercises(1881).rar41.44MB
- The elements of algebra; with numerous exercises, for viva voce and written work ([1886]).rar32.99MB
- New university algebra.rar51.41MB
- Syllabus of algebra .. (1834).rar33.26MB
- The elements of algebra for the use of schools and colleges. Part 1 (1878).rar22.9MB
- The algebra of Mohammed ben Musa (1831).rar28.56MB
- Trigonometry and double algebra (1849).rar15.74MB
- The elements of algebra. Hints and answers to the exercises in Elements of algebra ([1886]).rar10.08MB
- The elements of algebra; designed for the use of schools. From the 13th London ed. A key to algebra ([1862]).rar9.47MB
- Elements of algebra (1886, c1881).rar33.88MB
- Elements of algebra preliminary to the differential calculus (1837).rar31.09MB
- Teacher's manual for First year algebra scales (1922).rar7.27MB
- Elementary algebra embracing the first principles of the science (1856).rar29.36MB
- Suggestions on the teaching of algebra, with special reference to the use of Durell and Arnold's algebra ([c1921])2.rar6.17MB
- Public school Euclid and Algebra ([1894]).rar14.03MB
- Philosophy & fun of algebra (1909).rar9.86MB
- Suggestions on the teaching of algebra, with special reference to the use of Durell and Arnold's algebra ([c1921]).rar5.16MB
- Elements of arithmetic (1840).rar18.62MB
- An introduction to algebra being the first part of a course of mathematics, adaped to the method of instruction on the American colleges (1850, 1848).rar35.57MB
- An introduction to algebra; being the first part of a course of mathematics, adapted to the method of instruction in the American colleges (1814).rar34.32MB
- Advanced arithmetic and elementary algebra and mensuration(1917).rar46.57MB
- Elementary algebra first[-second] year course (Volume 1) (1915-16).rar17.66MB
- Key to Davies' Bourdon, with many additional examples, illustrating the algebraic analysis (1873).rar10.38MB
- A new algebra (Volume 1) (1908-).rar66.34MB
- A treatise on algebra, containing the latest improvements. Adapted to the use of schools and colleges (1850).rar60.17MB
- A treatise on the elements of algebra (1826).rar43.46MB
- Treatise on algebra .. (1850).rar124.77MB
- New elementary algebra embracing the first principles of the science (1875, c1859).rar15.57MB
- Na haawina mua o ka hoailona helu.rar41.13MB
- Linear associative algebra (1882).rar11.04MB
- Lehrbuch der Algebra (1895-1896) (Volume 2).rar100.48MB
- Lehrbuch der Algebra (1895-1896) (Volume 1).rar99.83MB
- Introduction To Algebraic Theories ( 00, 1941).rar6.05MB
- Intermediate Algebra (1948).rar21.62MB
- Intermediate Algebra ( 00, 1947).rar10.35MB
- Homological Algebra ( 00, 1956).rar14.38MB
- Higher Algebra (1936).rar27.15MB
- Funktionentheoretische vorlesungen (1897-99) (Volume 2).rar54.55MB
- Funktionentheoretische vorlesungen (1897-99) (Volume 1).rar36.48MB
- Foundations Of Algebraic Topology ( 00, 1952).rar14.45MB
- Exercises In Algebra Part I (1924).rar13.7MB
- Elements of algebra, being an abridgement of Day's Algebra.rar17.28MB
- Elements Of Algebra (1917).rar9.49MB
- Elementary algebra embracing the first principles of the science (1850, 1845).rar35.08MB
- Élémens d'algèbre, à l'usage de l'Ecole centrale des quatre nations (1825).rar44.9MB
- Einführung in die höhere Algebra (1910).rar52.32MB
- Differential Equations From The Algebraic Standpoint ( 00, 1932).rar6.64MB
- De Arte Logistica Joannis Naperi Merchistonii Baronis Libri Qui Supersunt.rar24.64MB
- Arithmetica universalis sive De compositione et resolutione arithmetica Volume 2 (1761).rar34.04MB
- Arithmetica universalis sive De compositione et resolutione arithmetica Volume 1 (1761).rar35.97MB
- An elementary treatise on graphs (1905).rar10.9MB
- Algebra (1957).rar7.67MB
- A treatise on algebra (1868).rar26.35MB
- A treatise on algebra (1850).rar34.23MB
- Wentworth & Hill's examination manuals (1884).rar13.28MB
- A first course in algebra (1908).rar30.14MB
- A first course in elementary algebra (1911 [c1910]).rar34.46MB
- A high school algebra ([c1913]).rar46.34MB
- A key containing the statements and solutions of questions in Prof. Charles Davies' New elementary algebra for the use of teachers only (c1859).rar10.18MB
- A key to the tenth edition of Bonnycastle's Introduction to algebra.rar25.4MB
- A review of algebra ([c1914]).rar8.65MB
- A second course in algebra (c1909).rar35.18MB
- A second course in elementary algebra (1910).rar16.65MB
- A treatise on algebra for the use of schools and colleges (c1849).rar26.12MB
- Algebra for beginners (c1894).rar10.97MB
- Algebra for schools (1899).rar46.79MB
- Algebra for secondary schools ([1906]).rar40.92MB
- Algebra, theoretical and practical (1852).rar33.55MB
- Algebraical problems, producing simple and quadratic equations, with their solutions; designed as an introduction to the higher branches of analytics (1812).rar40.88MB
- An elementary treatise on algebra; (1848).rar12.02MB
- An introduction to algebra being the first part of A course of mathematics, adapted to the method of instruction in the American colleges (1857, c1852).rar55.26MB
- An introduction to algebra being the first part of a course of mathematics, adapted to the method of instruction in the higher schools and academies in the United States (1819).rar28.27MB
- An introduction to algebra with notes and observations, designed for the use of schools and places of public education, to which is added an appendix, on the application of algebra to geometry (1822).rar24.33MB
- An introduction to algebra, with notes and observations; designed for the use of schools, and other places of public education (1824).rar34.1MB
- An introduction to the logic of algebra. With illustrative exercises (1890).rar13.64MB
- Eaton's Elementary algebra designed for the use of high schools and academies (c1868).rar23.22MB
- Elementary algebra ([c1906]).rar35.89MB
- Elementary algebra (1896).rar38.99MB
- Elementary algebra embracing the first principles of the science (1853, c1852).rar23.92MB
- Elementary and practical algebra in which have been attempted improvements in general arrangement and exposition.rar25.8MB
- Elements of algebra embracing also the theory and application of logarithms ... (1843).rar35.78MB
- Elements of algebra on the basis of M. Bourdon, embracing Sturm's and Horner's theorems and practical examples (1860, c1853).rar40.58MB
- Elements of algebra; tr. from the French of M. Bourdon (1835).rar26.49MB
- Exercises in algebra ([1904]).rar13.33MB
- First course in algebra with eight thousand examples including three thousand mental exercises (1907).rar71.6MB
- First lessons in algebra, being an easy introduction to that science; designed for the use of academies and common schools (1834).rar20.7MB
- First lessons in algebra, embracing the elements of the science (1838).rar26.22MB
- High school algebra ([c1907]).rar36.49MB
- Higher algebra ([c1900]).rar42.49MB
- Introduction to algebra for the use of secondary schools and technical colleges (1898).rar41.4MB
- Key to Davies' Bourdon with many additional examples, illustrating the algebraic analysis also, a solution of all the difficult examples in Davies' Legendre (1856).rar18.28MB
- Key to Davies' Bourdon, with many additional examples, illustrating the algebraic analysis ([c1879]).rar16.34MB
- New elementary algebra embracing the first principles of the science ([c1891]).rar32.09MB
- Number and its algebra syllabus of lectures on the theory of number and its algebra introductory to a collegiate course in algebra (1896).rar19.97MB
- Text-book of algebra. Through quadratic equations (1893).rar43.87MB
- The complete algebra designed for use in schools, academies, and colleges (1875, c1874).rar41.38MB
- The elements of algebra designed for the use of schools.. (1862).rar28.78MB
- The elements of algebra designed for the use of students in the university (1830).rar29.58MB
- The number-system of algebra treated theoretically and historically ([1891]).rar17.44MB
- The principles of elementary algebra (1892).rar5.76MB
- The principles of elementary algebra (1900).rar33.79MB
- A first book in algebra (1894).rar14.17MB
- Elements of algebra (1900)2.rar34.73MB
- Second course in algebra ([c1913])2.rar39.35MB
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