19 - Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/98 - Step02 Azure ACR AKS Integration Introduction.mp417.46MB
19 - Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/99 - Step03 Create ACR and Build and Run Docker Image Locally.mp499.82MB
2 - Create Azure AKS Cluster/4 - Step01 Introduction to Azure AKS Cluster.mp417.15MB
2 - Create Azure AKS Cluster/5 - Step02 Create AKS Cluster.mp460.59MB
2 - Create Azure AKS Cluster/6 - Step03 Explore AKS Cluster using kubectl and Azure Mgmt Console.mp4111.12MB
2 - Create Azure AKS Cluster/7 - Step04 Setup Azure CLI on Local Desktop.mp430.54MB
2 - Create Azure AKS Cluster/8 - Step05 Deploy Sample Application and Test.mp440.28MB
20 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/107 - Step01 Introduction to Azure DevOps Build Pipeline Azure Container Registry.mp423.17MB
20 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/108 - Step02 Create a Local Repository CheckIn Files and Push to Remote Github Rep.mp480.52MB
20 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/109 - Step03 Create ACR Azure DevOps Organization and Project and Discuss about Azu.mp478.6MB
20 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/110 - Step04 Create a Build Pipleline to Build and Push Docker Image to ACR.mp4130.24MB
20 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/111 - Step05 Make changes to indexhtml to V2 commit and push changes and review th.mp466.39MB
20 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/112 - Step06 Understand Namespaces in Azure Container Registry using Azure DevOps Pi.mp478.37MB
20 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/113 - Step07 Review Docker Build and Push Pipeline code on a high level.mp4144MB
21 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/114 - Step01 Deploy to AKS Introduction.mp457.99MB
21 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/115 - Step02 Create Prebuilt pipeline named Deploy to AKS.mp4146.42MB
21 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/116 - Step03 Review Build and Deploy Stage Logs Kubernetes Pods Access Application.mp433.13MB
21 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/117 - Step04 Deploy New Version of Application and review Pipeline stages Build Dep.mp453.37MB
21 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/118 - Step05 Review Pipeline code for Build and Deploy Stages.mp4139.17MB
21 - Azure DevOps Build Docker Image Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/119 - Step06 CleanUp Kubernetes App1 Workloads.mp46.53MB
22 - Azure DevOps Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline/120 - Step01 Introduction to Azure Starter Pipelines and Pipeline Key Concepts.mp446.77MB
22 - Azure DevOps Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline/121 - Step02 Create Semi customized Pipeline for Build Push Docker Image to ACR and.mp4152.53MB
22 - Azure DevOps Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline/122 - Step03 Create using Starter Pipeline for Build Push Docker Image to ACR and P.mp4185.67MB
24 - Azure AKS HTTP Application Routing Add On/131 - Step01 Introduction to AKS HTTP Application Routing Add On.mp468.33MB
24 - Azure AKS HTTP Application Routing Add On/132 - Step02 Enable HTTP Application Routing AddOn on AKS Cluster.mp4126.36MB
24 - Azure AKS HTTP Application Routing Add On/133 - Step03 Deploy Sample Application with Ingress Service and Test.mp4108.69MB
24 - Azure AKS HTTP Application Routing Add On/134 - Step04 Clean Up Apps and Disable the AddOn.mp439.34MB
25 - Azure AKS Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/135 - Step01 Introduction to configuring access to Multiple AKS Clusters.mp452.29MB
25 - Azure AKS Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/136 - Step02 Create two clusters with names aksdemo3 and aksdemo4 with Azure AKS CLI.mp461.79MB
25 - Azure AKS Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/137 - Step03 Configure Access to aksdemo3 cluster Understand kubectl config view an.mp4134.62MB
25 - Azure AKS Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/138 - Step04 Configure Access to aksdemo4 cluster and explore kubectl config usecon.mp445.7MB
26 - Azure AKS Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/139 - Step01 Introduction to Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins.mp420.73MB
26 - Azure AKS Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/140 - Step02 Create AD Group and User and Enable AD for AKS.mp485.6MB
26 - Azure AKS Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/141 - Step03 Access Azure AKS Cluster Resources using Azure AD user from kubectl.mp459.18MB
26 - Azure AKS Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/142 - Step04 How to relogin with differetn user and how to override AD Authenticatio.mp4125.22MB
27 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Role Role Binding with Azure AD/143 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes RBAC.mp422.96MB
27 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Role Role Binding with Azure AD/144 - Step02 Introduction to Role and Role Binding in Kubernetes in combination with.mp476.77MB
27 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Role Role Binding with Azure AD/145 - Step03 Create Dev QA Namespaces and deploy sample applications.mp441.34MB
27 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Role Role Binding with Azure AD/146 - Step04 Create AD Group Role Assignment User and Test login.mp463.16MB
27 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Role Role Binding with Azure AD/147 - Step05 Review k8s Role and Role Binding manifests create them.mp458.36MB
27 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Role Role Binding with Azure AD/148 - Step06 Access Dev Namespace using aksdev1 user and test.mp430.41MB
28 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/149 - Step01 Introduction to Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding in Kubernetes in.mp457.11MB
28 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/150 - Step02 Create AD Group Role Assignment User and Test login.mp461.93MB
28 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/151 - Step03 Review k8s Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding manifests create them.mp448.51MB
28 - Azure AKS Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/152 - Step04 Access Cluster resources in readonly mode with AD readonly user askread.mp470.98MB
29 - Azure AKS Autoscaling Cluster Autoscaler/153 - Step01 Introduction to Cluster Autoscaler.mp420.3MB
29 - Azure AKS Autoscaling Cluster Autoscaler/154 - Step02 Create AKS Cluster with Autoscaling enabled using Azure AKS CLI.mp481.71MB
29 - Azure AKS Autoscaling Cluster Autoscaler/155 - Step03 Deploy Sample Application to Test cluster autoscaler and CleanUp.mp459.38MB
30 - Azure AKS Autoscaling Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/156 - Step01 Introduction to Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.mp425.9MB
30 - Azure AKS Autoscaling Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/157 - Step02 Create HPA imperatively and also review HPA Declarative k8s manifest.mp4105.41MB
30 - Azure AKS Autoscaling Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/158 - Step03 Generate load to demonstrate HPA in action and CleanUp.mp496.23MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/159 - Step01 Introduction to creating prod grade AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI Part.mp475.57MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/160 - Step02 Introduction to creating prod grade AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI Part.mp465.88MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/161 - Step03 Introduction to Creating Azure AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI.mp438.85MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/162 - Step04 Implement Prerequisite items like Creating Vnets Subnets.mp484.41MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/163 - Step05 Implement Prerequisite items like AD Users AD Groups SSHKEY Log Anal.mp457.46MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/164 - Step06 Create Azure AKS Cluster using az aks cli.mp4184.71MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/165 - Step07 Verify Cluster access using Azure AD User.mp4116.7MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/166 - Step08 Introduction to AKS NodePools.mp47.01MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/167 - Step09 Create Virtual Nodes and Fix ACI Connector Issues related to Access.mp4108.82MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/168 - Step10 Create Linux User NodePool and Verify.mp476.74MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/169 - Step11 Create Windows User NodePool and Verify.mp423.92MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/170 - Step12 Introduction to deploying apps to NodePools using K8S Node Selectors.mp422.43MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/171 - Step13 Review all 4 applications kubernetes manifests.mp484.67MB
31 - Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/172 - Step14 Deploy 4 Apps Test and CleanUp.mp4105.7MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/173 - Step01 Terraform Basics Introduction.mp481.23MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/174 - Step02 Install Prerequisistes Terraform AZ CLI set Azure Subscription.mp4122.39MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/175 - Step03 Understand Terraform Providers and Terraform Init Command.mp4184.15MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/176 - Step04 Understand Terraform plan validate and apply commands.mp4156.3MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/177 - Step05 Make changes and apply like add tags modify resource group and underst.mp466.01MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/178 - Step06 Understand Terraform refresh command in combination with tfstate files.mp4139.68MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/179 - Step07 Understand terraform show providers and destroy commands.mp482.62MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/180 - Step08 Introduction to Terraform Language Basics.mp417.16MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/181 - Step09 Understand Terraform Language Syntax.mp451.19MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/182 - Step10 Create Terraform Settings Block Provide Block and Random Pet resource.mp468.95MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/183 - Step11 Create Terraform Settings Block Provide Block and Random Pet resource.mp4104.4MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/184 - Step12 Understand Terraform Input Variables Part1.mp466.08MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/185 - Step13 Understand Terraform Input Variables Part2.mp4147.95MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/186 - Step14 Understand Terraform Output Values.mp441.83MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/187 - Step15 Deploy Terraform manifests and Verify.mp440.22MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/188 - Step16 Migrate Terraform Local State to Azure Storage Account.mp4152.83MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/190 - Step17 Provision Azure AKS Cluster Introduction.mp436.15MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/191 - Step18 Create SSH Keys Windows Admin Password AKS latest version Datasourc.mp4127.6MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/192 - Step19 Create Log Analytics Workspace and Azure AD Group Terraform Resources.mp467.11MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/193 - Step20 Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part1.mp495.29MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/194 - Step21 Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part2.mp4147.8MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/195 - Step22 Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part3.mp455.06MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/196 - Step23 Create Outputs Provision AKS Cluster and Verify Outputs.mp4106.36MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/197 - Step24 Verify Access using default AKS Admin and Azure AD User associated to A.mp4110.66MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/198 - Step25 Create Windows and Linux Nodepools.mp4142.63MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/199 - Step26 Deploy Sample Apps test and execute terraform destroy.mp482.98MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/200 - Step27 Provision AKS Cluster with Custom VNET.mp4124.97MB
32 - Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/201 - Step28 Verify the cluster nodepools and deploy sample apps test and destroy.mp466.03MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/202 - Step01 Introduction to provisioning Azure AKS Cluster using Terraform and Azur.mp432.2MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/203 - Step02 Install Azure DevOps Terraform Plugins in Azure DevOps Organization.mp423.89MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/204 - Step03 Review Terraform Manifests Kubernetes Manifests and Pipeline backup fi.mp490.65MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/205 - Step04 Setup Github repository local and remote and copy k8s and terraform man.mp474.54MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/206 - Step05 Create Service Connection Fix AD Permissions Create SSH Key and Uploa.mp4106.46MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/207 - Step06 Create Pipeline with Terraform Validate Stage Part1.mp4107.03MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/208 - Step07 Create Pipeline with Terraform Validate Stage Part2.mp467.55MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/209 - Step08 Introduction to Deploy Dev AKS Cluster Deployment Job in Stage 2 of Pip.mp428.85MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/210 - Step09 Write Pipeline code to Provision Dev AKS Cluster.mp4253.54MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/211 - Step10 Verify Dev AKS Cluster Provisioning is successful using Azure DevOps Pi.mp495.03MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/212 - Step11 Create QA envionment related Pipeline code and Provision QA environment.mp4165.26MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/213 - Step12 Verify QA Environment.mp424.92MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/214 - Step13 Add new nodepool checkin code monitor pipeline and verify cahnges.mp485.07MB
33 - Using Terraform Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/215 - Step14 CleanUp both AKS Clusters.mp48.33MB