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- The Design Of the Unix Operating System by Maurice J Bach.pdf120.07MB
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- Paraglyph Press Degunking Linux (2005).pdf57.28MB
- QUE Special Edition Using Linux System Administration (2000).pdf52.65MB
- Wiley Ubuntu Linux Bible (2007).pdf44.51MB
- Wiley Linux Bible (2009).pdf36.17MB
- Linux Bible 2009 Edition~tqw~_darksiderg.pdf35.91MB
- MCGraw-Hill Osborne Red Hat Linux Administration, A Beginner's Guide (2003).pdf35.07MB
- QUE Linux Programming by Example (2000).pdf34.31MB
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- Guide To Assembly Language Programming In Linux (2005).pdf30.66MB
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- Apress Pro OpenSolaris, A New Open Source OS for Linux Developers and Administrators (2009).pdf22.44MB
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- Apress Beginning Ubuntu Linux, From Novice to Professional 4th (2009).pdf17.31MB
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- Beginning SUSE Linux - From Novice To Professional (2005).chm17.1MB
- Linux Troubleshooting Bible (2004).chm16.82MB
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- Wiley Linux Bible (2005).pdf14.59MB
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- Apress Pro Linux System Administration (2009).pdf13.35MB
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- MakeUseOf.Ubuntu.An.Absolute.Beginners.Guide.B0079PE6ZY.pdf8.85MB
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- Wiley Fedora 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible (2009).pdf8.25MB
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- Fedora Linux (2006).chm7.96MB
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- OReilly Learning Debian GNU Linux (1999).pdf7.72MB
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- Advanced Linux Programming (2001).zip5.95MB
- No.Starch.Press.The.Linux.Command.Line.A.Complete.Introduction.RETAiL.eBook-DeBTB00k.pdf5.93MB
- Linux Device Drivers 3rd Edition V413HAV.pdf5.79MB
- SAMS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed (2007).pdf5.76MB
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- QUE Special Edition Using Linux 4th (1999).pdf5.67MB
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- Prentice Hall A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors and Shell Programming 2nd (2010).pdf5.11MB
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- Apress Beginning Ubuntu Server Administration, From Novice to Professional (2008).pdf4.48MB
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- Hacker Linux Uncovered (2005).chm4.46MB
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- Learning Red Hat Linux, 3rd Edition (2003).chm4.02MB
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- Unix In A Nutshell 4th Edition V413HAV.pdf3.7MB
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- A Practical Guide To Linux Commands, Editors, And Shell Programming (2005).chm3.61MB
- Linux+ Certification Bible (2002).pdf3.6MB
- Linux For Programmers And Users (2006).chm3.6MB
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- Apress Beginning Ubuntu LTS Server Administration, From Novice to Professional 2nd (2008).pdf3.39MB
- Embedded Linux Primer - A Practical Real-World Approach (2006).chm3.37MB
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- Linux Unwired (2004).chm3.31MB
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- CHFI v3 Module 11 Linux Forensics.pdf3.17MB
- securing your emailserver on IBM with linux.pdf3.14MB
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- OReilly Building Secure Servers with LINUX (2003).pdf2.84MB
- Linux Networking Cookbook V413HAV.pdf2.8MB
- Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3rd Edition (2005).chm2.77MB
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- Hardening Linux (2005).pdf2.6MB
- OReilly LINUX System Administration (2007).pdf2.58MB
- MacFreda Publishing Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference (2009).pdf2.53MB
- Linux Desktop Hacks (2005).chm2.47MB
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- Morgan Kaufmann Linux Networking Clearly Explained (2001).pdf2.38MB
- Apress Hardening Linux (2005).pdf2.37MB
- OReilly LINUX System Programming (2007).pdf2.37MB
- LPI Linux Certification In A Nutshell, 2nd Edition (2006).chm2.29MB
- The Linux Command Line.pdf1.96MB
- Understanding the Linux Kernel/Understanding The Linux Kernel, 2nd Edition.chm1.95MB
- Apress The Definitive Guide to Linux Network Programming (2004).pdf1.89MB
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- slackbook-2.0.pdf1.78MB
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- New Riders Publishing Advanced Linux Programming (2001).pdf1.75MB
- Linux In A Nutshell, 4th Edition (2003).chm1.69MB
- Apress Automating Linux and UNIX System Administration 2nd (2009).pdf1.66MB
- Linux Cookbook (2004).chm1.62MB
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- QUE LPIC Prep Kit 101 General Linux 1 (2000).pdf1.37MB
- Apress Beginning the Linux Command Line (2009).pdf1.36MB
- OReilly Linux Security Cookbook (2003).pdf1.32MB
- Automating UNIX And Linux Administration (2003).chm1.29MB
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- Building Secure Servers With Linux (2002).chm1.16MB
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- Slackbook 2.0.pdf1.08MB
- How Linux Works - What Every Super-User Should Know (2004).chm1MB
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- Bash Pocket Reference.pdf826.41KB
- Lion's Commentary on Unix/A Commentary on the Sixth Edition Unix Operating System.pdf797.51KB
- IBM Learning Linux Integration with Windows (Samba), Student Notebook (Course Code QLX26) (2003).pdf782.88KB
- Linux Security Cookbook (2003).chm657.2KB
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- Linux Phrasebook (2006).chm470.15KB
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- Vim Editor/Vim Reference Manual.pdf145.08KB
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